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Iv Drips

Brightening IV

Brightening IV

  • Prevents acne.
  • Enhance skin texture.
  • Improves skin pigmentation.
  • Repairs and nourish the skin.
  • Gives the skin a radiant glow.

Gut Cleanse IV

Gut Cleanse IV

  • Improves acidity.
  • Prevents bloating.
  • Provides energy for intestinal and immune cells.

Weight Loss IV

Weight Loss IV

  • Boosts metabolism.
  • Improves liver health.
  • Supports weight loss.

Energy for Men IV

Energy for Men IV

  • Increases libido.
  • Enhance blood flow.
  • Strengthens stamina.
  • Improves intimate performance.
  • Increases sensation and sensitivity.

Immune Booster IV

Immune Booster IV

  • Prevents seasonal illness.
  • Increase your energy levels.
  • Enhances your immune response.
  • Boosts vitamins and provides antioxidant protection.

Book An Appointment

To request an appointment, please enter the information and press the “SUBMIT” button when you are through. We will contact you to confirm your appointment.

Opening Hours

Sun to Fri

Phone Number:

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